Tactical Handgun I
Course Description:
This course was specifically designed to develop skills for the student who uses his/her firearm as a primary firearm in a tactical environment. Students will be prepared to handle the most challenging tactical shooting situations. The emphasis is on developing tactical shooting skills that can be applied in real-life situations. Tactical Handgun I is for the shooter who is interested in additional firearms training but wants a less expensive, locally available, weekend course.
This course is a full six hours of firearms training, practice and application of learned skills. Below are the covered topics.
Review of gun safety and shooting fundamentals
Gear Placement
Drawing from the holster
Techniques to speed up follow up shots and target acquisition
Reloads (Emergency and Tactical)
Combat accuracy
Shooting positions
Recoil management
Malfunction clearing
Prone shooting
Strong hand only shooting
Shooting on the move
Standing and walking turns
Tactical use of cover
Multiple target engagement
Ammunition Requirement:
400 rounds handgun ammunition.
Required Equipment:
Handgun 9mm-45ACP
Minimum three high-capacity (15+ round) magazines or six low-capacity (7-8 rd) magazines
Belt, holster (OWB) and magazine pouch (holster and mag pouches must be hard plastic (kydex) and retain equipment while moving and shooting)
Appropriate clothing for the season and unconventional shooting positions (suited to strenuous activity)
Knee and elbow pads strongly recommended
Ear protection (electronic preferred)
Eye protection
Course Prerequisites:
Handgun Essentials or Intermediate Level Course
1 student $475.00
2 students $275.00
3 or more students and open enrollment courses $225.00
Maximum class size of 15
All courses require a $50.00 deposit.
For more information click here.